Pool inspections aren't just for commercial pools. Your residential swimming pool may require an inspection if you are selling your home, if you live in an HOA community, or for insurance purposes. Regular inspections can also ensure you catch any issues early when repairs are simpler to complete.
1. Safety Fencing
Safety fencing is typically required by law, and the type and size of the fencing needed can vary. Generally, most localities require fencing at least 6 feet tall and the pickets must be spaced closely enough together so a child can't squeeze through.
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Are you looking for the perfect pool for your custom home? A luxury pool forms the ideal home improvement project and is almost a must-have feature for any luxury home. It is the ideal spot for quality social time with family and friends. Luxury pools are defined by their offer of a premium experience from additional features. For example, if there is an unexpected chill, a poolside fire pit keeps guests warm and prolongs the experience.
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Swimming pools are an amazing addition to any home, whether you have kids or live alone! Not only are they great for hosting social events, but they are fun to exercise with and enjoy on those lazy summer afternoons that you always look forward to throughout the rest of the year. However, before you start your in-ground pool construction there are a few things that you need to know which will make life a lot easier for you.
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Building a custom in-ground pool with a fiberglass shell can be as simple or as detailed as you want to make it. It's your property, so decide what you want to be included. A properly built fiberglass pool that provides the right depth and shell diameter for fun family swimming is one goal, but adding in extras such as water slides, ladders, diving boards, or benches can further enhance the enjoyment.
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Having a swimming pool in your home is convenient, as you can take a dip whenever you want for fun and exercise. Besides, you can hold pool events and have a good time with family and friends. However, you need to maintain your pool frequently to maintain aesthetics, safety, and increase your pool's longevity. And maintenance involves repairing the damages that your pool may have. Here are different types of swimming pool repairs.
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